EN 50155 Environmental Test Lab
Our Capabilities
At SIL4 Systems, we do everything in house. Our Founder and CEO, Mr. Conti led a team of only a handful scientists to set up the innovative Electro-Optics Lab at McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics. He then went on the do research and design work at one of the pre-eminent Laboratory’s in the US – Draper Laboratory at M.I.T. that evolved from the Instrumentation Lab at M.I.T.
From design to testing, we have the equipment and the knowledge to finish any project. Our EN50155 test lab has all the capabilities required to inspect, and pass, a prototype as per EN50155. See our full capability set below:
- Temperature Chambers (Temp + Humidity)
- High Temperature Chambers (1600°F)
- Crush Test (Hydraulic Press to 20 Ton)
- Impact Tester (60 Gs)
- Penetration Test (50 lb cylinder with guide and point tip)
- Vibration Table (24” x 24”) 0 – 2KHZ up to 30lbs UUT
- Emersion Tester (Pressure Chamber)
- EMC (Spectrum Analyzer to 3GHz), variety of antennae
- Anechoic Chamber coming soon!
Temperature & Humidity Chamber
Our Temperature & Humidity Chamber can simulate environments ranging from -70°C to +190°C and 10 – 98% RH. It has the dimensions of 16″W x 11″D x 12″H.
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Crush Load Test
Our hydraulic press can apply pressures from 0 lbs. up to 20 Tons.
Shock & Impact Test Set
Our shock test station has the capability to test 0 -> 100Gs impact force onto your prototype with a customizable damping factor. Using our in-house built test station and custom impact software, you can rest assured that your prototype will withstand any amount of shock or impact.
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Penetration Test Set
Our 50 lb. penetration tester is the ultimate test for possible puncture points in a prototype.
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Vibration Test Set
Our vibration table has top of the line resolution, ranging from 20Hz->2KHz. Our test set can sweep this frequency range at any speed or timeframe required.
High Temperature Oven Chamber
Our high temperature oven chamber can generate and control temperatures up to 1600°F.
Emersion Pressure Test Chamber
Our pressure test chamber can fit all sizes of small electronics components, and has a pressure range of ~100 psi, so you can rest assured that your prototype holds up to the worst of conditions, and the highest pressures.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Analyzer
Our EMC spectrum analyzer has a large range of analyzation, going from 150kHz to 3GHz, with a wide variety of antennae from focused in one area to reading from the entire prototype.